giuseppe d’innella is a colectivo futurist

We recently visited Giuseppe D’innella’s London studio, a place that sings with brimful colours in the midst of the most beautiful organised freedom. He is a screenprint artist and an enthusiast of life itself, who 15+ years ago decided to fully dive into what had always been his passion. As well as giving you a taste of Giuseppe’s creations and environment, we also present a brief interview that we hope will reassure you that there is no expiration date on fulfilling your dreams.

CF: Who is Giuseppe D’innella? How would you say your approach to painting has evolved through the years?

Giuseppe D’innella is a person, who when young had problems of communications and little self confidence, but who gradually, through art, has managed to find a solution to his problems.

My approach to art has also in the years gradually changed from uncertain to resolute with years of experience and maturity.


“Art became very important when I reached the crisis of middle age and decided that art had to become the reason for my existence.”

CF: When did creating art, painting and screenprinting take a bigger weight than your let’s say “expected” career path. Did you have any mentors or people you felt inspired by along the way?

Art became very important when I reached the crisis of middle age and decided that art had to become the reason for my existence. I had very few mentors, but at the right moments: Mac Betts introduced me to colours and to abstract painting in Australia, and Kate Gibb who introduced me to screenprinting 15 years ago in London.


CF: If you could give one advice to the younger Giuseppe, what would it be?

To be less shy would have made my life more enjoyable.


CF: If you could soundtrack your work, what would you choose?

Bach, Mozart, Indian music and American songs of the 50s.

CF: Having lived all over the world (Italy, Venezuela, Japan, Australia, England) we are curious to know what made you choose “London forever”? What is your favourite thing about living here?

London is the best city for artists: the best market as the British are very interested in art and there are always chances for selling, whatever the economic situation; plenty of sourcing for art materials, and a multitude of good, friendly artists.

“My plan is to continue to screenprint until I die.”

CF: What are your future plans?

Continue to do screenprinting until I die and try to make my prints more available to the public.